Real meaning of leg pain is the pain that can occur in knees, foot and any other parts of the legs. It may be caused by a number of factors like any accidental injury or due to damage of any leg nerve. Leg Pain hinders with the normal functioning of the body.
Causes of the leg pain
- Muscle strain
- Common body weakness
- Over physical exertion
- Extended standing hours
- Arthritis
Home Remedies for leg pain
- Steam baths and massage once a week are very helpful.
- Take 10-15 grams of camphor and 200-250 grams of mustard oil and mix in a glass bottle and keep this bottle in sun till the camphor get dissolved properly. Massage the affected area everyday with it. One of the good home remedies for leg pain.
- A red flannel can be wrap up around the pain area.
- Use of coconut also assists in curing the leg and knee pains.
- To get better the general weakness of the body a well-balanced diet including all the three basic food groups is advisable.
- Eating 4-5 walnuts with an bare stomach in morning provided relief from leg pain in a short duration.
- Intake of cod liver oil helps in curing all sorts of leg pains and general weakness of the body.
- 2-3 teaspoonful of fenugreek powder in morning water is very helpful.
- Various yogasanas like janusandhi, uttanpadasana and gomukhasana are very helpful for the leg pain
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