Vitamins and Minerals That Can Make Your Skin Beautiful:
Vitamins and minerals play a very vital role as far as our health and beauty is concerned. Our health is reflected through our face. So if our body is not getting the required nutrients then obviously we are not going to look fresh and healthy. The saying is very right that “you are what you eat”. So eating a healthy balanced diet leads to a healthy beautiful you. What ever you eat it should have a balanced nutritional value.
We all want to look beautiful. A beautiful face demands a healthy glowing skin. No matter what complexion you have, if you have a healthy attractive skin you will always look beautiful and appealing. At present vitamin supplements are available in the market in three forms. Liquid, tablet and capsule form.
It’s best to take all those vitamins and minerals in their original and natural form. Synthetic vitamin supplements are meant for those people who are unable to digest or absorb the vitamins in their original form. Vitamins and supplements are a good alternative to those that do not get the proper nutrients in their food everyday. Or some times people who are more deficient in certain vitamins and minerals need to take extra dose. Like for example women who are pregnant are advised to take folic acid during their first trimester. As in that specific period they are in need of an extra dose of folic acid which is compensated by giving in a specific daily dose. Then through out their rest of the pregnancy they are given different other vitamin supplements according to their different needs or deficiencies.
Therefore it is recommended that a healthy normal person should eat a balanced diet that contains all the essential nutrients. If we want to have a flawless skin we need to eat healthy and nutritional food. If you are healthy from the inside you will definitely look beautiful from the outside. Here I am going to discuss a few of the essential vitamin and mineral supplements that are not only good for your health but also good for your skin.
Vitamin A: This fat-soluble vitamin is essential for the maintenance and healing of epithelial tissues, with skin being the largest expanse of epithelial tissue you've got. Best sources Egg yolks, oysters and nonfat milk. You can also get vitamin A from foods rich in beta carotene, which the body can convert into vitamin A.
Beta carotene: German researchers found that as little as 30 milligrams a day (the equivalent of 11/2 cups of cooked carrots) can help prevent/reduce the redness and inflammation associated with sunburn. Beta carotene accumulates in the skin, providing 24-hour protection against sun damage. Also, when combined with vitamin E, other carotenoids (cousins to beta carotene) like lutein seem to reduce redness associated with sunburn and reduce skin sensitivity to sunlight. Best sources Dark-colored produce, such as carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, watermelon, papaya, broccoli and spinach.
B vitamins: Vitamin B help convent calories into energy for skirt metabolism and are components of enzymes that maintain normal skin function (including functioning of the oil-producing glands which keep skin moist and smooth) that’s why poor intake of almost any B vitamin can cause dry or scaly skin. Best sources Poultry, red meat, fish, bananas temper whole grains, brewers yeast peanut butter and eggs.
Vitamin C: When taken internally this vitamin helps maintain collagen -- the underlying supporting structure of skin. But sun exposure (and stress) can drain vitamin C from the skin, leaving it vulnerable to damage from the environment (why anti- aging creams and sunscreens have been infused with this potent antioxidant). Best sources Citrus fruits and juices, slow cantaloupe, strawberries, tomato sweet peppers and green peas.
Vitamin E: This antioxidant help slow the aging of skin cells by reducing the production of an enzyme called collagenase, which breaks down collagen, causing the skin to sag and wrinkle according to a study in the journal Free Radical Biology & Medicine. And sun exposure can deplete vitamin E from the skin, making it more vulnerable to sun damage (that’s why vitamin E is found in skin-care products from moisturizers to body washes). Best sources Salmon, legumes, extra lean meat, almonds, leafy vegetables, and olive and sesame oils.
Selenium: The damaging effects of ultraviolet light are minimized by this antioxidant mineral, thereby reducing your risk for sunburn. In fact, low blood levels of selenium also increase your risk for skin cancer. Best sources Tuna, wheat germ, sesame seeds and whole grains.
Zinc: This trace mineral helps maintain collagen and elastin fibers that give skin its firmness, helping to prevent sagging and wrinkles. It also links together amino acids that are needed for the formation of collagen -- essential in wound healing. Best sources Seafood, turkey, pork, soybeans and mushrooms.
Fish and Flaxseed oils: Fish and flaxseed oils can help us to moisturize our skin. How? They contain essential fatty acids. When we take these acids orally they travel to our skin cells and can even act as a barrier against the environment. Your skin will start to become more moisturized and less dry within six weeks of taking fish or flaxseed oil capsules. Your hair and fingernails may benefit as well.
Biotin: Many people suffer from weak fingernails and brittle hair. Biotin is a wonderful supplement that can give both your hair and fingernails more strength. Biotin can also help you to grow out your nails and hair. Biotin can be found in such foods as corn, soy, egg yolk and walnuts. As a supplement, you can buy biotin separately or you can find it in many multi-vitamins.
Note: Do not take any vitamin/mineral supplement on your own. Do consult your doctor before taking any supplement.
Well write the article and give awareness around the people about and explain that how importance of Vitamins and Mineral Supplements that can make your skin beautiful all of these vitamins and supplements are very important in our body because with the help of our skin and other body parts are look natural and beautiful (vitamins A, B, C, Z, E and other minerals) at last one is Biotin Many people suffer from weak fingernails, skin and brittle hair. Biotin is a wonderful supplement that can give the 3 in 1 magical supplements and your hair, skin and fingernails more strength. Boiten available only online shopping stores of Pakistan because that special supplements not easily available in medical stores. If you want to buy it now search Vitamins & Dietary Supplements in pakistan and buy from e-stores with free home delivery at your doorsteps.